America Resources Exploration Inc (OTCBB:AREN) Is Still Being Pumped
America Resources Exploration Inc (OTCBB:AREN) added another 7.71% to its market value yesterday, as another round of paid pumps targeting the ticker hit the web.
This is the third consecutive green session that AREN has experienced since its most recent horrible crash. Still, in spite of what the pumpers have to say, the company’s situation has not become any better since the last time, which means that investors would do well to look out for another sudden crash.
Said occurrence looks all but inevitable, as tickers that jump high on paid pumps usually come crashing down, and sooner rather than later. However, in this particular case, the inevitable descent may be postponed for some time yet. Why?
Just hours ago, the company made another optimistic announcement, this time regarding the acquisition of a fractional interest in two wells located in Shelby County, Texas. As usual, the press release was filled with profound optimism, but failed to mention important details on the deal at hand, like – how did AREN buy said well if it s Cash & Total Assets amounted to less than $6 thousand just three months ago and its filings fail to mention the company securing significant funding in the mean time.
Logic dictates that said acquisition was made possible through the issuance of shares, or convertible notes. Since we’re talking about a dubious OTC Markets pinksheets penny stock company that neglects to keep its investors informed on such matters more often than not, there’s really no way to be sure exactly what happened.
Still, both of the mentioned options could end up being disastrous for investor value, especially considering the fact that AREN is on the receiving end of one of the biggest paid pump campaigns that is currently going on the OTC Markets right now.
Investors should really make note of these facts and act accordingly.