Insider Penny Stocks Take a Promo Shot at Hanover Portfolio Acquisitions Inc (OTC:HVPA)
Hanover Portfolio Acquisitions Inc (OTC:HVPA) have been quite prolific in delivering one press release after another recently. This sudden burst of bits and pieces of corporate updates could only mean one of two things: either the company is advancing its business or the stock is about to get pumped via a paid promotion, hence the need for more publicity.
Guess what? There is a paid campaign in support of HVPA led by Insider Penny Stocks and it is expected to keep the stock’s flame burning for the next thirty days. While we do not know about if there is a possible third party in the promotional equation, we are aware that $30 thousand have been allocated for the campaign. Now let us have a closer look at the company itself.
If we study HVPA‘s latest press releases on a side note, we can’t help but feel impressed by the company’s solemn aspirations for shooting to stardom overnight. Sadly, this is a challenge very few companies in the world are capable of dealing with and their financial profiles do not exactly match those of penny stocks. To be more precise, let us check out HVPA‘s basic financial indicators for the quarterly period ended Sep. 30, 2012:
- $3 thousand in cash and $19 thousand in current assets altogether
- working capital deficit exceeding $1.6 million
- $948 in intangible assets
The value of these intangible assets, however, could quickly become subject to revision considering that the quarterly revenue generated using these assets is a sad $7 thousand, while the average net loss over the last four quarters on record equals $350 thousand.
In the context of all these figures, the company’s goal to successfully penetrate the multi-million equestrian market deserves admiration, yet will not really spark optimism among prospective investors. Moreover, as long as the stock falls under promotional siege, HVPA‘s market value will backfire on regular traders. At least, this is what happened with the past three penny stocks Insider Penny Stocks promoted recently. Check out the promoter’s historical record for further details.