Strategic Global Investments, Inc. (OTCMKTS:STBV) Crashes by a Third
Strategic Global Investments, Inc. (OTCMKTS:STBV) is still capable of creating drama, even after moving away from its temporary peak. The ticker slid back by more than 29% to $0.0039, on selling volumes of $1.73 million, as this double-zero is quickly losing the shine of a newly discovered, fast-moving marijuana stock.
The fallout follows one additional good day, in which fast buying and selling happened. The good day, February 10th, can be pinned onto a promotional email from Information Solutions Group, LLC. The paying party is A. Agovino, and the budget- just $10,000 but enough to propel STBV for another day of easy fame. The fallout, as it is easily seen, came quickly, especially after a FINRA warning against stock scams in the medical and recreational marijuana sector.
Unfortunately, STBV is still only in negotiations to enter the Colorado market for direct marijuana sales. And no matter how active the sales are predicted to turn out, this company won’t be getting a penny unless the deal is seen through. But for the stock levels, even a tentative promise is enough.
So far, STBV has been relatively active, though its bottom line shows deepening problems. The latest filings reveal:
- current assets: $13,156 in cash
- current liabilities: $379 thousand
- quarterly revenue: $476
- quarterly net loss: $316 thousand
All of those results were achieved while STBV styled itself a company for streaming video services. Like many others, it managed to attach itself to the cannabis sector and achieve at least a short-term climb. Other red flags include a bad share structure, with more than 12 billion outstanding shares and more and more new issues out of the whooping 100 billion authorized shares. It looks like STBV is a regular money-printing machine, with little to show in terms of real results.
If you are looking for a similar range, though with a bit more stability, Intelligent Living, Inc. (OTCMKTS:ILIV) looks a little better, though not without its own setbacks. Also a company with a different agenda, ILIV quickly adopted the cannabis opportunity into its health and wellness business model. Currently, ILIV tries to hang to the $0.004 levels.
HPC POS Systems, Corp. (OTCMKTS:HPCS) is at the cents level after a dramatic climb, yet even this company is rather risky with its sudden appearance on stage, though with a bit more modest five billion shares outstanding.
So far, STBV has shown it can go up on promotions or PR noise, yet the effect is very short-lasting. At this price range, quality is extremely hard to gauge, as the price is attracting short-term flipping instead of investing. Stay away, unless you can afford to land a company that will soon drive all investors out.