Tapinator Inc. (OTCMKTS:TAPM) Turns Red

Tapinator Inc. (OTCMKTS:TAPM)’s jumps seems to be at an end – the company lost 12.64% of its market value in yesterday’s trading session.

This turn of events is hardly surprising – after all, as far as due diligence was concerned, the only real reason the ticker was headed up was hype. The beginning of TAPM‘s ascent coincides with the filing of its latest financial report, and the two press releases glorifying the successes documented in it.

While the information that said press releases provided was technically accurate, it presented an altogether incomplete and one-sided look at the company’s actual situation.

Suffice it to say that said situation was in no way as rosy as it may appear to someone who just reads press releases. While TAPM certainly has made steps forward with regard to revenue increases, new releases and the like, it is still far from profitable.

Further, the fact that the company deemed it necessary to DOUBLE its shares authorized just two weeks ago is a glaring sign that massive stock dilution may well be under way.

Of course, there is no way to be sure that is really the case, however the ticker’s biggest stumble in yesterday’s session was caused by a spike of selling that took the market at 10:40, and dragged it all the way down to $0.4, before it could start to recover. That spike of activity certainly looked like a dump.

And if investors are really dumping large amounts of shares on the market all at once, is it really any wonder that TAPM is falling?


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